Sword Art Online, also known as "SAO", is an animated Japanese series. The story is developed between the real world and the digital world, where various games take place; SAO, the first massive multiplayer online role playable game where players can play introducing their consciousness in the game (virtual reality), is one of them. When the game came out, 10000 players bought all the unities of the game, and started the game. It begins like a normal game, but all turns suspicious when players can't disconnect. Then, the player creator, Akayaba Akihiko, informed them that they won't be able to abandon the game until they complete the 100 floors of Aincrad, the great castle where they are in.
What's more... If they die in the game, they will die in the real world too. Like this, the game of the death begin. Kazuto Kirigaya, a boy who played the beta of the game, decided to complete the game alone.
What to say? It's such a wonderful story! It has a lot of references about self-overcoming, and also it has a lot of emotional parts. I strongly recommend it for all kinds of people, but specially for teenagers that like some action with love.
Image source: http://blogs.gamefilia.com/files/imce/u500479/53473-sword-art-online-sao_0.jpg
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