dissabte, 11 de maig del 2013

My English progress from 2011-2013

Comparing my first composition, "Presentation mail", and the last one, "Discussion: prenup' arrangements are a good idea?", I see I improved a lot expressing myself in English, although there's a lot of things that I don't master yet. My vocabulary, grammar and comprehension is widely improved now, specially linking words; I didn't know how to use them when I wrote the letter. Additionally, I can see I changed as a person, so it greatly affects my compositions: I express myself more directly and I try to be more logic than before, even if I can't do that sometimes.

My last composition: http://firstbtxblog.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/discussion-prenup-arrangements-are-good.html

Talking about my first and last oral presentations ("Ikebana" and "My research paper"), I think that I didn't improve very much on pronunciation and fluency... But I improved in language, related to my writing improvement. Maybe I'm too nervous in front of people... There isn't much to comment about this, because there's only two changes between the first and the last oral presentation: vocabulary and grammar.

As a conclusion, I have to say that I see a great improvement on writing skills, while I keep being kinda nervous in front of people (the main characteristic of oral presentations is that you have to talk directly to people, and that didn't improve).

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