divendres, 26 d’abril del 2013

News: "Diabetes warning over soft drinks"

Drinking one or more cans of sugary soft drinks a day can lead to a greater risk of diabetes, according to a research made in the UK, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France and the Netherlands. However, it seems that the risk it's not solely incremented by the presence of extra calories.

"It is not definitive evidence that sugar-sweetened soft drinks increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, other than through their effect on body weight" - Dr Matthew Hobbs, head of research at Diabetes UK

All of this leads to link the weight gain that drinking sugary soft drinks provides with the apparition of diabetes.

Photo: http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/67222000/jpg/_67222837_h1102563-fizzy_soft_drinks.jpg


I knew that people can get diabetic if they are over-weight; furthermore, it's one of the main causes. So if sugary soft drinks doesn't lead to a diabetes associated with the weight gain that they suppose, I assume that the only point of this research is to demostrate that these kind of drinks can "help you" to get fatter. It doesn't really affects me because I never drink any of sugary soft drinks, but I know a lot of people who drinks them like I drink water. In other words, maybe this kind of evidences can help them to get more conscienciated about their health.

But, you know? I'm kinda sick of this society and their dissimulated hate of all that doesn't follow the canonical beauty rules. All of this massive amount of messages can be easily interpretated (maybe unconsciencious) by over-weight people as something like: "I'm a monster", "I'm not handsome", "I will feel better if I'm fitter because people will treat me as I deserve",... I think that someone can have the body he or she wants (if possible) and he/she shouldn't be despised. Is it so difficult to accept the others?

News & photo source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22280297

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