And here I am, writing about it. I don't know how this kind of strange "disease" appear, but it keeps happening. It sometimes disappear and re-appears for one, two weeks.
I find difficult to keep awake during school lessons, and that definitely affects my study hours, making me study harder to try to understand things that I couldn't even listen on class because I usually loose my consciousness for few minutes (my eyes close automatically and I can't listen clearly nor concentrate, but I don't want to fall sleep).
It's not a question of nervousness or worries. I can't sleep, it seems too simple. Maybe some day a doctor will find out what happens with me and my weird "internal clock".
According to a psychology website, it can be a kind of stressful reaction provoked by the super-stimulation of one or more senses. I don't think that's what is happening to me, but I learnt a new thing that I consider interesting.
Well, in some ways, this insomnia can be a "blessing in disguise".
Information and photo source:
dimecres, 23 de gener del 2013
divendres, 11 de gener del 2013
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is the latest game of the franchise for PSP; it's said to be one of the most sold games of the portable console. It also released a great controversia, because of the changes, that makes the game much more easy than previous games
-New monster subespecies from previous games, and some new monsters.
-A huge improvement on farm possibilities (although this can be seen as a con, because it makes the material gathering easier and difficulty is one of the most appelative characteristics on the saga).
-Cool stuff are brought from Monster Hunter Tri (Wii), like switch-axes (a weapon that combines propierties of greatswords and hammers) or the "ultimate katana attack" (a super cool attack that takes out a large chunk of the monster's stamina, that can be seen as a con because of the difficulty decreasing).
-Great improvement on monsters AI (artificial intelligence); they often jumps over traps or use the environment resources to attack you (jump from walls, hide on trees,...)
-It's really easier than its prequel, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
-Some of old monsters are completely overpowered by weapons, finishing chases on 10 minutes or less for experienced hunters.
However, it's also said that this game is a "Capcom's experiment", to make the next game, that will be released for 3DS, the greatest Monster Hunter ever seen. It has to be confirmed when it will be out.
Photo source:
-New monster subespecies from previous games, and some new monsters.
-A huge improvement on farm possibilities (although this can be seen as a con, because it makes the material gathering easier and difficulty is one of the most appelative characteristics on the saga).
-Cool stuff are brought from Monster Hunter Tri (Wii), like switch-axes (a weapon that combines propierties of greatswords and hammers) or the "ultimate katana attack" (a super cool attack that takes out a large chunk of the monster's stamina, that can be seen as a con because of the difficulty decreasing).
-Great improvement on monsters AI (artificial intelligence); they often jumps over traps or use the environment resources to attack you (jump from walls, hide on trees,...)
-It's really easier than its prequel, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
-Some of old monsters are completely overpowered by weapons, finishing chases on 10 minutes or less for experienced hunters.
However, it's also said that this game is a "Capcom's experiment", to make the next game, that will be released for 3DS, the greatest Monster Hunter ever seen. It has to be confirmed when it will be out.
Photo source:
"I don't wanna miss a thing" - Aerosmith
I could lie awake just to hear you breathing // Podria estar-me despert al llit només per escoltar-te respirar
Watch you smile while you are sleeping // Veure't somriure mentre dorms
Well you're far away dreaming // Bé, estàs ben lluny somiant
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender // Podria estar-me tota la vida en aquesta dolça rendició
And just stay here lost in this moment forever // I només quedar-me aquí, perdut en aquest moment per sempre
Well, every moment spent with you // Bé, cada moment passat amb tu
Is a moment I treasure // És un moment que atesoro
I don't wanna close my eyes // No vull tancar els meus ulls
I don't wanna fall asleep // No vull quedar adormit
'Cause I'd miss you, babe // Perquè et trobaria a faltar, petita/ó
And I don't wanna miss a thing // I no vull perdre'm res
'Cause even when I dream of you // Perquè fins i tot quan somio amb tu
The sweetest dream will never do // El més dolç dels somnis no servirà
I'd still miss you, babe // Encara et trobaria a faltar, petita/ó
And I don't wanna miss a thing // I no vull perdre'm res
Lying close to you // Estirat a prop de tu
Feeling your heart beating // Sentint el teu cor bategar
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming // I m'estic preguntant què estàs somiant
Wondering if it's me you're seeing // Preguntant--me si m'estàs veient a mi
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together // Llavors et dono un petó als ulls i dono gràcies a Déu per estar junts
And I just wanna stay with you // I només vull estar amb tu
Just stay in this moment forever, forever and ever // Només quedar-me en aquest moment sempre, sempre i per sempre.
I don't wanna miss one smile // No vull perdre'm ni un sol somriure
I don't wanna miss one kiss // No vull perdre'm ni un sol petó
Well, I just wanna be with you // Bé, només vull estar amb tu
Right here with you, just like this // Aquí amb tu, només d'aquesta manera
I just wanna hold you close // Només vull mantenir-te a prop
Feel your heart so close to mine // Sentir el teu cor tan a prop del meu
And stay here in this moment // I quedar-me en aquest moment
For all the rest of time // Per sempre
[Chorus: x2]
Don't wanna close my eyes // No vull tancar els ulls
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah // No vull quedar-me adormit, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing // No vull perdre'm res
Oh, what can I say of such a good song? Full of feelings, it's not a metaphorical one nor complicated, but I really like it. This song has an important meaning to me, related to a loved person... It's "our song", technically. It's commonly said that most of couples have "their song"; well, I'm not the best example to deny it, but I know some people that didn't have one and the world didn't end yet. So, it's kinda an stereotypical view... But it's really beautiful to follow this kind of things.
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