dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2012

News: "Gaza and Israel begin to resume normal life after truce"

After a lot of military attacks between Gaza and Israel, they begin to resume normal life. Israel launched a final offensive against Gaza, with the killing of a Hamas military leader. Also, the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire agreement came into force. Finally, Israel has agreed to end hostilities, same as Palestinians.

It's true that if someone attacks they'll shatter in conflict again... Well, it's good to see war end - even if temporally -. This doesn't affect me directly, but seeing that people can still agree with things when religion or economical issues "come into the show" it's enough to give me some kind of "hope" about a future without those things, specifically the conflicts they provoke.

New words
Truce: Suspendre les hostilitats (castellà = tregua)
Resume: Reprendre
Ceasefire: Alto al foc
Overnight: Durant la nit
Under the deal: "Sota" el problema (dilema)
Staging: "Posada en escena"
Sheltering: Refugiant-se
Shelling: Protegint-se (?)

News & image source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20444499
"New words meaning" source: http://www.wordreference.com/es/

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