As you know, I'm José Yépez, and I'd like to introduce myself by explaining you my life goals. My biggest dream is to achieve the knowledge to help as many people as I can. It can sound like a stupid goal, keeping in mind that there are a lot of people who hurt others because of fun, revenges, or even by error, or whatever. But for me, it isn't.
I feel really well when someone become happy. Of course, my intention of helping people is completely universal, because all people deserve to be helped (understanding "help" objectively, applicable to all kinds of human). First I though about being a doctor, but I recently decided to become a psychologist. You know, if the body's "broken", you can still live (bar comma cases, perhaps), but if the mind's "broken", all becomes... "distorted", making the person's life a hell or a non-sense. Also, I find psychology much more interesting than medicine (I didn't realised that since I've decided to study it), so I think that I chose correctly.
Well, with this little chunk about me, I hope that I've presented myself properly. Oh, if I've talked ambiguous, just tell me to fix it. Sometimes I do that, not intentionally, of course. Hope you enjoyed my presentation!
Big hugs,