dijous, 31 de maig del 2012

Study links womb environment to childhood obesity

Scientists found changes in the DNA at birth which is a result of the mother's diet or exposure to pollution or stress.They  linked these changes to a higher Body Mass Index in children about nine years old, but the researchers say more work is needed to definitively prove the relation between these two phenomenons

Well, it's not good to have a lot of obese people, but only for their own healths... It doesn't affect me, because I've already born, but... What about the newborn?
It's known that a lot of people is obese nowadays... Even the environment will help with this... I don't know, I completely respect all kinds of people, but borning literally "condemned" to be fat... It's beggining to be a little frightening.


I can't put a photo, blogger don't let me...

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