dissabte, 3 de març del 2012

Dutch offered 'euthanasia on wheels'

Euthanasia has been legal in the Netherlands for a decade. But an organisation based in The Hague is now offering a mobile euthanasia service, prompting accusations that the law has been pushed too far.

I think that is really weird to offer 'euthanasia on wheels'... I mean, if someone wants to kill himself, is better to go to a special place to do it, completely equipped, where the death's can be totally controlled,... I'm not against the suicide, but I think is a waste of money to provide this "service" to the community... There are things that are more necessary than this.
I'm not against the suicide, but I think that it's better to fight against the problems and go on the search of the happiness. This new doesn't affect me, because I don't live there.


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