dijous, 28 de febrer del 2013

News: "TED 2013: Uchek app tests urine for medical issues"

A new smartphone app will be out from Apple's app store from the end of March for $20 (£13), which includes the cost of the mat and five dipsticks. Urine can be tested via the phone's camera for the presence of 10 elements. These can be used to pinpoint a range of conditions including diabetes, urinary tract infects, cancers, liver problems as well as being used to keep track of general health. Users need to collect their urine and dip a standard test strip into it.

I think this is a great idea, akthough this doesn't affect me because I don't have a smartphone. Nowadays almost everybody has a smartphone and making it a health tool can be useful.You know, each time someone suspects about something weird happening to his body he has to go to the doctor, and in this way, people can get more involved on their own diagnosis and consider going to be checked.

New words:

Mat: "Alfombra"? Segons el context, "aplicació".
Dipsticks: Vareta de medició.
Strip: Tira.

News & photo source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21586082
Traduction source: http://www.wordreference.com/es/